Course Curriculum Information

3-credit in-service course is $270.

3-credit/45hr. "P-credit" in-service course (NYC teachers only) is $270.

A $50 deposit per course is required for in-service courses of not paying in full. (All deposits are always transferable but non-refundable) Graduate courses must be paid in full at the time of registration.

Each GRADUATE course is $595 and must be paid in full before the start of the course.

*** Graduate courses are offered through both Manhattan University and The University of Massachusetts Global (formerly known as Brandman University). Please pay special attention to which college each graduate course is offered through when registering. The name of the college offering the course can be found on both the online brochure, graduate course information page, and next to the name of the course on the registration page. ***

To register, please click the link below:

Register Electronically

The information below is proprietary information of LILIE, LLC and subject to copyright laws and restrictions. Access to this content is licensed solely to teachers seeking to evaluate it as a professional development option. LILIE, LLC reserves the right to revise the content and will pursue all available legal remedies for misuse of the content herein.

LILIE, LLC is committed to assuring that enrollees fully participate in and receive the educational benefits given by the course. Enrollees must demonstrate participation by making detailed postings designed to foster dialogue among colleagues and instructors. These enrollee postings must be made four times each week in separate sessions. Enrollees will be required to submit a detailed course reflection sheet documenting course work—including discussion board posts—and will be required to apply information and strategies acquired from the course content to weekly classroom instruction. Attempts to falsify reflection sheets or discussion board entries will result in denial of credit and a report to the enrollee’s employer.

Please click on any course title below to see the related course information document. If you require additional information regarding courses, such as additional graduate course assignments and alike, please feel free to email LILIE at so that we may send you the requested information.

Course title with no hyperlink to curriculum document is under current revision.

All courses have dynamic web pages that change and evolve as new information and resources become available. The below course information is provided to demonstrate course objectives and the way in which they are delivered.